Personal information

15, Shishkarivska Str., Sumy, 40030, Ukraine

Date of birth: 23/12/1983 | Place of birth: Leipzig, Germany | Nationality: Ukrainian

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Phone +38 0661820396

Personal ID





Work experience



Circular economy, resources and sustainability, transition from linear to circular economy, circular strategies, circular business models, design for product circularity, circular strategies for product redesign, circularity assessment, circularity metrics, product circularity performance, product circularity potential, product circularity data, digital technologies and circular economy, smart cities and circular economy, smart e-waste system, education for circular economy, consumer behavior for circular economy, circular consumption alternatives, e-waste recycling behavior, waste management, municipal solid waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment, e-waste, packaging waste, plastic waste, bio-based plastics, biodegradable plastics, medical waste, healthcare waste, portable batteries and accumulators waste, food waste, biofuel supply chains, European Commission’s circular economy initiatives.

Professional experience

International projects and scholarships

Research Grants (Ukraine)


Invited presentations and discussions abroad

Event Chair

Videos and interviews



Peer Reviewer

PhD students

PhD attestation

Official opponent of PhD holders (2014, 2019, 2019, 2021)


Recent peer-reviewed publications

  1. Shevchenko T., Cluzel F., Yannou B., Saidani M., Ranjbari M., Esfandabadi Z., Danko Y. 2023. Completing the Design for Product Circularity Toolkit with hierarchical computation of circularity maturity diagram and redesign circular strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production (Under review from Aug 09, 2023).
  2. Shevchenko T., Saidani M., Ranjbari M., Kronenberg J., Danko Yu., Laitala K. 2023. Consumer behavior in the circular economy: Developing a product-centric framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 384, 135568.
  3. Shevchenko T., Yannou B., Saidani M., Cluzel F., Ranjbari M., Esfandabadi Z., Danko Y., Leroy Y. 2022. Product-level circularity metrics based on the “Closing–Slowing Future–Past” quadrant model. Sustainable Production and Consumption. Volume 34, 395-411.
  4. Shevchenko, T., Cluzel, F. (2023). A circular product design toolkit: methodological background, basic principles and building blocks. Proceedings of the Design Society, 3, 59-68.
  5. Ranjbari M., Esfandabadi Z., Shevchenko T., Scagnelli S, Lam S., Varjani S., Aghbashlo M., Pan J., Tabatabaei M. 2022. An inclusive trend study of techno-economic analysis of biofuel supply chains, Chemosphere, Volume 309, Part 2, 136755.
  6. Ranjbari, Esfandabadi Z., Shevchenko T., Chassagnon-Haned N., Peng W., Tabatabaei M., Aghbashlo M. 2022. Mapping healthcare waste management research towards a circular economy and sustainable environment: past evolution, current challenges, and future perspectives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 422, 126724.
  7. Shevchenko T., Danko Y. 2023. Consumer Behaviors in the Circular Economy with Special Focus on E-products. Development in E-waste Management. 1st Edition, CRC Press. Taylor&Francis.
  8. Shams Z., Corazza L., Shevchenko T., Scagnelli S.D. 2023. How Sustainability Education and Achieving SDGs are Interconnected: A Systems Thinking Perspective. Symposium “Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education: perspectives from universities and enterprises”, 2nd-3rd February 2023, Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education, Springer.
  9. Han Y., Shevchenko T., Yannou B., Ranjbari M., Shams Esfandabadi Z., Saidani M., Bouillass G., Bliumska-Danko K., Li G. 2023. Exploring How Digital Technologies Enable a Circular Economy of Products, Sustainability, 15, N3, 2067.
  10. Qu D., Shevchenko T., Shams Esfandabadi Z., Ranjbari M. 2023. “College Students’ Attitude towards Waste Separation and Recovery on Campus” Sustainability 15, N2, 1620.
  11. Shevchenko T., Ranjbari M., Shams Esfandabadi Z., Danko Y., Bliumska-Danko K. 2022 Promising Developments in Bio-Based Products as Alternatives to Conventional Plastics to Enable Circular Economy in Ukraine. Recycling, 7, 20.
  12. Shevchenko T., Danko Yu. 2022. Circular data framework throughout the whole value chain from mining to manufacturing, from refurbishing to recycling. Book “Role of Circular Economy in Resource Sustainability”, Vol. VII, Springer Nature, P 7-16.
  13. Chovancová J., Rovňák M., Shpintal M., Shevchenko T., Chovanec F. 2022. Perception of Benefits and Barriers Associated with the Management Systems Integration – A Comparative Study of Slovak and Ukrainian Organizations. TEM Journal, 11(2), 772-778.
  14. Qu D., Shevchenko T. Education and Instruction for Circular Economy: A Review on Drivers and Barriers in Circular Economy Implementation in China. International Journal of Instruction. Vol. 15, No3, P. 1-22.
  15. Shevchenko T., Kronenberg J., Danko Y., Chovancová J. 2021. Exploring the circularity potential towards the multiple use of residual material to operationalize a circular economy model. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Springer Nature, 23, 2025–2036.
  16. Shevchenko T., Saidani M., Danko Y., Golysheva , Chovancová J., Vavrek R. 2021. Towards a Smart E-Waste System Utilizing Supply Chain Participants and Interactive Online Maps. Recycling (MDPI), 6(1), 8.
  17. Shevchenko T., Danko Yu. 2021. Progress toward a circular economy: new metric for circularity measurement based on segmentation of resource cycle. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Inderscience Publisher, Vol 28, N2. 240-262.
  18. Qu D., Shevchenko T., Saidani M., Xia Y., Ladyka Yu. 2021 Transition towards a circular economy: the role of university assets in the implementation of a new model. Detritus, 17, P 3-14.
  19. Shevchenko T., Kronenberg J. 2020. Management of material and product circularity potential as an approach to operationalise circular economy. Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, Inderscience Publisher, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 30-57.
  20. Shevchenko T., Vavrek R., Hubanova O., Danko Yu., Chovancova J., Mykhailova L. 2020. Clarifying a circularity phenomenon in a circular economy under the notion of “potential”. Problemy Ekorozwoju 16(1), P. 79-89.
  21. Shuptar-Poryvaieva N., Gubanova E., Andryeyeva N., Shevchenko T., 2020. Examining of portable batteries externalities with focus on consumption and disposal phases, Ekonomia i Srodowisko, 4(75), P. 8-22.
  22. Qu D., Shevchenko T. 2020. University Curriculum Education Activities Towards Circular Economy Implementation, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 5, P. 200-206.
  23. Shevchenko T., Laitala K., Danko Yu. 2019. Understanding Consumer E-Waste Recycling Behaviour: Introducing a New Economic Incentive to Increase the Collection Rates. Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 9, 2656.
  24. Shevchenko T., Danko Yu., Krasnorutskyy O. 2018. Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products in Compliance with the Circular Economy: What are the Future Challenges for EU Member States? International Journal of Ecology & Development, Т. 33, No3, P. 364-373.
  25. Shevchenko T., Kronenberg J. 2017. Management of material cyclicity potential: example of electrical and electronic products. PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment (Research in Design Series), No9, P. 377-381.